Tips for teaching writing: a genre-based view
When we consider how we can help our students with writing, there is an important distinction to draw between the ways in which we see this aspect of language use:…
When we consider how we can help our students with writing, there is an important distinction to draw between the ways in which we see this aspect of language use:…
Reading in a second language can be a challenging activity, both to study and to teach. Students have no control over the language that is presented to them in a…
As language teachers, we tend to think of listening as a skill for students, but are we forgetting that as teachers, listening is equally, if not more important? Many teachers…
Error correction is a vital part of the language classroom, but can also be a minefield. No-one likes to be told that they are wrong, so sensitivity and care are…
Most language classrooms around the world are not ideal for communication between students to take place. They typically contain rows of desks facing the teacher, students sitting individually or in…
In the three years that I have overseen the CertTESOL course at Trinity College’s regional centre in Hong Kong, we have seen over 400 trainee teachers come through the centre….
Can anything really prepare you for the Trinity CertTESOL? You may receive information packs, reading lists and pre-course work to do, but the experience of the course itself really depends…
Have you ever been stuck on how to engage your students or help them be excited about English learning? Keep reading to find out activities and games that children will…
Now that you have completed your TEFL course, it is natural that you should want to start putting into real practice your newly honed English teaching skills. Searching for your…
Are you interested in teaching English abroad? Well, it is quite easy for fluent English speakers to start a teaching career abroad. Countries like China, Japan, Korea, Turkey, Argentina, Spain…
I was surprised at how easy it is to find teaching vacancies, when I decided to step into the unknown and move to one of those countries where English is…
This is the question that every teacher has to ask him/herself at some point in their career. We all have notions of what we think good teachers should be like,…
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